Company wellness
Countless studies have shown how much yoga can benefit the workplace. Besides just relieving physical ailments and pain, incorporating yoga throughout your workday will greatly relieve stress, improve focus and creativity, and increase positivity and productivity.
Bring yoga to your office or workspace to:
Create a sense of community.
Release stress from the body.
Cultivate clarity for the mind.
to set up a 15min call to learn more!

Sample Classes:
This class will help us move into our bodies and out of our 'monkey minds'. As we connect our breath to fluid dance-like flows, the warming and strengthening movement sequences in this class will work
on functional movement and help us to stay present and clear in the moment.
Open to any level.
Chair Flow
Accessible to all bodies, Chair Flow is a short form class to break up your day. Release tensions in the low back, hips and shoulders that build up from sitting for extended periods of time. Refocus your mind and find clarity with breathework and mindfulness.
Slow and Flow
Create more space and ease within your body. Release your sore shoulders and tight hips. Learn to use your breath to facilitate a deeper stretch and mind-body connection. Find clarity and focus.
Open to any level.
Breath-work and Meditation
There are two ways we can do this class: we can do a seated or supine meditation, or we can do a restorative style class with gentle and supported stretches held for longer. In either scenario, we will attend to the mind-body-breath connection with the goal to recenter the mind, find clarity and ease in focus.
Open to any level.
Workshop Offerings
Self Love Event:
With a Customizable theme
Self Love Workshops are more than a yoga class. Typically 90minutes long we incorporate movement, and other yogic practices to support a theme of your choosing.
Past themes have included:
Nervous System Resetting
Galentine's Day Celebration (female community & support)
The Creation & Removal of Obstacles
Seasonal Shifts
Prenatal Support
Refill Your Cup: Replenish Your Spirit
What is it TO BE: a Moment in Nature
Self Love events include the methodologies of mindfulness, meditation, pranayama/ breathwork, movement, story, mantra, aromatherapy, intention setting and journaling.
Accessible to all and very customizable.
Interpersonal Rhythms: Tuning into the natural Flow of Non_verbal communication
Trust your instincts, move your body, and exercise deep listening and playful choice-making in this hour and a half movement workshop. Beginning with our first partner: ourselves, April will walk us through a body scan in stillness and in movement inspired by the work of yoga and Feldenkrais. From there Claire will bring us to our second partner: the floor and then to each other. The class promises to include relationship dynamics in and out of touch, in a group and in pairs.
The workshop will be a mixture of body/ mind centering, listening to intuition and choice and beginning to understand the complexities of non-verbal communication and touch. But of course with April and I at the helm, it also promises to be playful and curious.
My hope is that this will be the first in a series of many where we can bring in teachers of different training backgrounds together to discuss touch, listening and consent in our ever-evolving world.
Seasonal Pranayama:
Breath for transformation
Pranayama is a powerful tool that already lives inside you, useful for expanding your mindfulness both on and off your mat. This workshop will help you tap into that power and give you practical skills to help you shift the way that you take on the world. Through pranayama, breathwork, you will learn to ground yourself, calm stress or anxiety and give yourself an energy boost. Each workshop will give you a foundational knowledge of breath anatomy and the prana/ yogic history. using that basis of knowledge we set out to feel and transform!
In each workshop, we will practice 3-4 pranayama specific to the season. For example a warming breath in summer will feel different than in winter. We will discuss the intention of each breath and more importantly the effects we feel after an extended embodied practice of each.
Space is open to anyone interested, of any skill level. You can come to one, or all four!
Develop a new understanding of what it means to inhale and exhale.
Anatomy Breakdown:
The Ways We Move
This interactive workshop will get you into your body and help you become better versed in all the ways your body can move. Working with all the Directions of Movement (DOMs) in our bodies we’ll work in pairs to understand how DOMs together can build an asana (yoga pose), or dynamically build safe transitions between them. We’ll look at traditional cueing yoga such as “protract your shoulder blades”, “hip openers” and “bring your back foot to a 45 degree angle.” Together and in small groups, we’ll work to understand what is happening in some of our favorite poses.
Simplify Your Skeleton
In this workshop, we will look at the bones of the arms, legs, and torso. We will also cover boney landmarks and cueing in yoga that may be confusing based on those points. In groups and in pairs we will use our bodies as textbooks to better understand what we are looking at. Most importantly, we are going to find ourselves and make the asana work for us.
Major Muscle Work
In this workshop, we will learn the major muscle groups of the body and in groups and pairs discover how they are involved in yoga poses and transitions. We will make mini yoga sequences that highlight certain muscle actions and discuss tightness and the nervous system’s relationship to tightness in the body